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Trio Management and Insights now in Poly Lens

Now the Trio family of conference phones is supported in Poly Lens. You can onboard, provision with settings configurations, remotely manage, and view insights for the Trio 8800, Trio 8500, Trio 8300, and the new Trio C60. You can add Trio phones to your Poly Lens account either individually or in bulk. Intelligence built into Poly Lens will automatically update the devices to a Lens capable software version and automatically add them to your account inventory. To get started, enable the new provisioning functionality by visiting the account section within Poly Lens. Once provisioning is enabled, you can start to onboard Trio devices.

Poly Lens Accounts Settings Device Provisioning page

Management tools for the Trio family include both individual and policy-based bulk management capabilities for both settings and software management. On top of that, the settings interface couldn’t be simpler. Poly Lens auto-parses thousands of settings into user-friendly categories, making endless searching for the setting you want, a thing of the past.

Poly Lens Device Settings Audio page for a Trio

The insight newsfeed supports the Trio family as well. The intelligent newsfeed ensures the most important and urgent insights are always at the top of the feed, helping you efficiently address any issues that might arise. Today you can view insights around device usage, device status, and what devices need urgent attention. Insights for the Trio family include devices offline, devices in use, devices not in use, devices out-of-service, and call use (minutes).

Poly Lens Priority Insight feed page for Trio device