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Onboarding Process

The onboarding process covers everything required to add (register) a device into the system. These steps assume that you already have access to Poly Lens and have at least one account available for the device.

There are multiple options for onboarding devices into Poly Lens:

Provisioning Based

Best option for onboarding large fleets of devices. Ideal when managing policies and pushing software updates to large groups of devices.

PIN/QR Code Onboarding

Best for onboarding individual devices one at a time. Ideal when managing a few devices or during device evaluations. Policy-based management isn’t supported for devices registered this way.

Personal USB Devices

To manage personal devices through Poly Lens, you need either the Poly Lens Desktop app or Poly Lens Mobile app. Once the appropriate Poly Lens app is installed on a user's computer or mobile phone and successfully connected to the correct Poly Lens account, the attached personal devices (headsets, cameras, video/sound bars, etc.) will be onboarded to Lens. There are several ways to onboard personal devices.

  • Directory Integration - Allows an admin to automatically onboard Device Users and their associated devices, based on the login domain they used to access the Poly Lens Desktop app.
  • Email Invite to use Poly Lens Desktop - Send a simple email invite to download a Poly Lens app and get Personal USB devices connected to Poly Lens.
  • Personal USB Device - Loginless - IT Admins can configure the Loginless option to allow a personal device user a Loginless deployment option.