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Poly Lens Now Supports EagleEye Cube Provisioning

Poly EagleEye Cube provisioning is now supported in Poly Lens. Just like support for Poly Studio USB, when onboarded using provisioning, you can now remotely monitor, change settings, configure policies, and deploy software updates for your EagleEye Cube device all from the Poly Lens portal. To get started, follow the same steps you would when provisioning a Studio USB. Enable provisioning in the Poly Lens portal by visiting your account settings in the top-right menu under the profile avatar -> Manage Accounts -> select the account you wish to onboard devices to -> Device Provisioning. Once provisioning is enabled, use the Polycom Companion app to enter the provisioning credentials from the Poly Lens portal. Once configured, your EagleEye Cube device will be onboarded to your Poly Lens account. Then you can use the Poly Lens portal to manage your device inventory and tailor your device settings and software updates to your organization’s needs.