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API Credentials

API Credentials provide access to the Poly Lens Management and Insights API. With these credentials, you can extract data from Poly Lens Accounts or develop custom applications to interact with, modify, or generate reports using the information from these Accounts.

This feature allows:

  • The user to create API Credentials for your own Account
  • The user to create API Credentials with access to multiple Accounts.
    Note: A request must be accepted before access is granted.
  • The user to grant/deny incoming access requests

There are two flows for creating a new API Credential, one for creating an API Credential with access to your own Account, another when creating an API Credential with access to multiple external Accounts.

For each API Credential the following information is displayed

NameThe API Credential Name is the name assigned to this Credential and is a link to the Sample Code.
Client IDThe Client ID can be copied to the clipboard to insert into the code. It can also link to a list of outgoing requests for access. Note: If this is for an API Credential for multiple Accounts, it links to a table showing the requests and their status.
SecretThe Secret can be viewed and copied to the clipboard to use as the client_secret in the code.
Date CreatedDisplays the date the API Credential was created.
RoleDisplays the Role assigned to the API Credential. Note: The Role can be modified in this field.
GrantsDisplays the number of Approved access requests for external Accounts.
StatusDisplays The Active/Inactive state of the API Credential. Note: You can Deactivate or Activate this credential by simply selecting the option available.

Create an API Credential for your Account

  1. Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage All Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select API Credentials from the side tabs.
  4. Select Add New to create an API Credential in your Account.
  5. Select Just this Account, and Next.
  6. Enter the API Name and set the Role (definitions listed below).
    • Admin: Full Access, including the ability to invite and adjust roles of other account members.
    • Guest: Read-only access to general areas, including inventory and insights.
  7. Select Create.
  8. The new API Credential displays on the API Credentials page and can be used to access Poly API's using the Client ID and Secret.

Create an API Credential with Access to Multiple Accounts

  1. Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage All Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select API Credentials from the side tabs.
  4. Select Add New to create an API Credential in your Account.
  5. Select Multiple Accounts, and Next.
  6. Enter the Tenant ID and select the Include the Tenant ID for this Poly Lens Account if desired. See Accept API Credential Incoming Request. Enter the API Name and set the Role (definitions listed below).
    • API Admin: This role grants full access, except for the ability to manage API credentials. This role cannot read, view, create, edit, or delete API credentials.
    • Guest: Read-only access to general areas, including inventory and insights.
  7. The new API Credential displays on the API Credentials page.

Accept API Credential Incoming Request

  1. After a Multiple Account Credential requests data access, the Admin will receive an email of the request.
  2. Open the receiving Poly Lens Account.
  3. Select API Integrations from the side tabs.
  4. Select the Incoming Requests tab.
  5. On the incoming request line, select Approve.
  6. The connection is complete and will display Active the Account.
    The API Credential can be used using the Client ID and Secret, access to external Accounts is only granted after they have accepted the incoming request for access.

Edit an API Credential

  1. Go to the ACCOUNT menu > Manage All Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select API Integrations from the side tabs.
  4. Select an API Credential from the list (this enables the Edit button).
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Edit the connection as needed and select Confirm.

Delete an API Credential

  1. Go to ACCOUNT menu > Manage All Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select API Integrations from the side tabs.
  4. Select an API Credential from the list (this enables the Delete button).
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Select Delete to confirm. The API Credential is deleted from the list.

Poly Lens API Help